How to Make Healthy Ice Cream in a Blender (or a Food Processor)

How to Make Healthy Ice Cream in a Blender (or a Food Processor)
Brace yourself because you’re about to learn that eating ice cream doesn’t have to equal long hours at the gym or feeling guilty! It’s time to find out how anyone can make healthy ice cream using a blender or a food processor. Ice cream that will satisfy any sugar craving without adding inches to your waist. Nothing but fast, yummy goodness. And, best of all, you can do it at home!

What You Will Need

As the title suggests, you’ll need a blender. Or a food processor. Whichever one of these gadgets you have in your kitchen will do just fine. But, if you want to take your ice-cream making game to the next level, here are some amazing high-power blenders that can help you do just that: optimum blenders All the Optimum blenders are incredible. But if we had to choose, we know exactly what. Our personal favorites are the Optimum G2.6 Platinum Series and the Optimum 9200a. Powerful, high-speed, and offering exceptional quality, all of these blenders will churn any ice cream to perfection. They’re easy to use and high-performance appliances that make healthy eating a breeze.  

How to Make Healthy Ice Cream

Once you have your high-speed blender ready, whip up your favorite ice cream ingredients and get ready to rumble. Well, to blend actually. No worries about putting in too much effort as the blender or processor will do that for you. The key to making any ice cream healthy is not adding any refined sugar to it and keeping the ingredients as natural as you can. We’ve lined up two amazing recipes for today. Fit for every taste!  

Raspberry Ice Cream

The ingredients you will need for this dreamy and deliciously healthy raspberry ice cream recipe are:
  • Full cream milk
  • Thickened cream
  • Sugar
  • Vanilla Paste
  • A bowl of frozen raspberries
  The first step is pouring the liquid items into the blender. Ingo the full cream, the thickened cream, and a tad of sugar. For an even healthier version, you can trade the sugar in for cocoa sugar, agave nectar, or honey. Then, it’s time for the vanilla paste. Next up are the frozen raspberries. Put on the blender’s lid and slowly increase its power from low to high. Keep the blender going for about 30 seconds. This will smoothen your mixture into a delightful sorbet. Once you are satisfied with the creaminess of your healthy ice cream mixture, you can serve it straight away. The frozen raspberries will do the freezer’s job. So, no need to wait until later to enjoy your ice cream treat. There you have it. Guilt-free berry deliciousness. Raspberry Ice-Cream  

Banana Ice Cream

The ingredients you will need for this ice cream recipe are:
  • 2 frozen bananas
  • 2 to 4 tablespoons almond or coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar or sweetener
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • Cinnamon to taste
  You’ll want to cut the bananas into smaller pieces before freezing. This will make your blending job easier. banana ice cream   First, put the bananas into the blender. Then, add the milk, your preferred sweetener, and a touch of vanilla. Start your blender on low and, as the banana blends in with the other ingredients, move it to high. Keep blending for 30-40 seconds until you are happy with the texture. You may need to use the tamper to make sure you get all the pieces of fruit blended properly. Take your mixture out of the blender and move it into serving bowls. Then, sprinkle some cinnamon on top.   Voila! Your healthy ice blended cream is ready. You can serve it immediately or put it in the freezer for later.